Work accidents resulting in material damage and deaths.

Work accidents resulting in material damage and deaths. Evidence of corporate corruption to favor employees and suppliers. Incompetent management. Corporate corruption to favor employees and suppliers. Payment of bribes.

Customer. International commodity trading company. It acquired a sugar mill as a strategic investment in sugarcane/ethanol/bio-fuels.

Problem. There were 03 serious accidents over a period of 02 months. The distillery exploded, followed by the boiler. Days later, the crystallizer opened during cleaning and the syrup came in, resulting in the death of 02 employees. Another employee suffered very serious burns. The Brazilian board of directors raised suspicion that the cause of the accidents was sabotage by the previous owner of the plant with whom the multinational was in litigation.

Material damage

Investigation. The investigation revealed that there was no sabotage. However, several deficiencies were identified in the management of the plant and in the internal processes that caused the accidents. The allegation of sabotage was nothing more than a smokescreen to divert attention not only from mismanagement but also from evidence of internal corruption and the favoring of suppliers.
Is your company experiencing unusual losses? Is there a suspicion of misconduct? Wolfe Associates can investigate, identify those involved, point out deficiencies and vulnerabilities, and propose countermeasures.

The names of those involved were changed for reasons of secrecy. Investing in Brazil? You need to know who will manage your investment. Wolfe Associates can conduct profile studies of key executives.