Blackmail. Gay Executive. Special Situation Management

Gay Executive Blackmail

Customer. Oscar V is the marketing director of a large national company. Oscar is in a stable relationship with a renowned law firm partner, however, the couple is in the process of separating. Oscar attends the gym and has made friends with Personal trainer from the gym, and hired him directly to do some massage sessions at the couple's house.

Problem. O Personal was impressed by the couple's apartment. Oscar, for his part, shared details about his partner, his profession, and the separation. O Personal began to blackmail Oscar, asking for payment in cash every week, under the threat of spreading lies about an alleged sexual relationship with Oscar. He also threatened to contact his Oscar sidekick and cause a scandal to harm him professionally. The threats were transmitted in person and via WhatsApp.

Oscar was frightened by the threats. In addition to the emotional stress, he and his partner were in the process of negotiating the sharing of assets and blackmail could hinder the negotiations. O Personal said that his father was a police officer and threatened to cause physical harm to both Oscar and his partner.

Gay Executive Blackmail

Solution. A profile study was carried out on Personal and analysis of text messages. It was clear that he was only trying to take advantage and that there was no real danger. The customer was told not to offer anything. We gave Oscar every confidence and confidence to say no. The blackmailer did nothing.

Scary situations do not always present real danger. Sometimes the emotional element dominates the victim's head. Our role in these cases is to demystify the situation and give the client peace of mind.

The names of those involved were changed for reasons of secrecy. Investing in Brazil? You need to know who will manage your investment. Wolfe Associates can conduct profile studies of key executives.