Corporate corruption scheme to favor executives and industrial espionage

Corporate corruption scheme to favor executives and industrial espionage

Customer. Danish multinational company, manufacturer of plastic parts for the automotive industry and consumer goods. Hiring by the Group's Internal Audit.

Problem. An internal audit identified product diversion through the manufacture of substandard products, fraudulent tenders, sale of trade secrets to competitors, and diversion of production to outsourcers when the company itself had the capacity to manufacture the products.

Corporate corruption scheme to favor executives and industrial espionage

Solution. The investigation confirmed the manufacture of scrap “by order” of third parties and the sale in exchange for bribes to executives, resulting in the dismissal of corrupt executives and the correction of internal vulnerabilities.

The names of those involved were not revealed for reasons of secrecy. Is your company losing money with non-commercial transactions that benefit third parties? Wolfe Associates can investigate misconduct by employees and third parties. We can quantify the losses caused by incompetence and wrongful conduct, identify vulnerabilities in controls and processes, and recommend countermeasures for corrections.