Corporate corruption scheme to favor executives. Payment and receipt of tuition fees. Bribery of executives.

Corporate corruption scheme to favor executives.

Customer. Multinational hypermarket company.

Problem. The board received an anonymous complaint that the operational manager of perishable products was receiving bribes from a meat supplier to purchase his product from the chain's stores in São Paulo.

Corporate corruption scheme to favor executives.

Investigation. The investigation confirmed the existence of a corruption scheme involving the payment of kickbacks to a group of employees led by the operational manager of perishables to buy substandard meat. The employees involved were identified. In addition to the supplier, the carrier was involved in the scheme. In addition to vulnerabilities in internal processes, mismanagement and negligence involving two company directors were revealed.

Do you have a company in Brazil? Is there suspicion of mismanagement, incompetent management, misconduct, and receiving bribes? Wolfe Associates can investigate misconduct by employees and third parties. We can quantify the losses caused by incompetence and wrongful conduct, identify vulnerabilities in controls and processes, and recommend countermeasures for corrections.
The names of those involved were changed for reasons of secrecy.