Corporate homicide. Conspiracy to assassinate manager. Mismanagement. Dysfunctional work environment.

Corporate homicide. Conspiracy to assassinate manager.

Customer. National merchandise distribution company.

Problem. The company received a complaint of a collection of money between several employees to kill the Logistics Manager.

Corporate homicide. Conspiracy to assassinate manager.

Investigation. The investigation found that an employee who had been fired organized a “cow” among “about 20 people” from the warehouse to “delete” the manager. Each taxpayer gave R$20-R$50. The employee hired a killer who waited for the manager at the restaurant that usually ate lunch. On the day in question, the manager didn't go to lunch and the killer asked for more money. The taxpayers had no more money to give and they gave up. It was found that the manager generated conflict between his subordinates and was considered unfair and without adequate controls. He favored some closest employees and abused power against others by provoking the undeserved. The work environment was characterized by fear and uncertainty. It was recommended to replace the manager both for their own safety and for the good of the company.

The names of those involved were not revealed for reasons of secrecy. Is your company facing a morale crisis? Are there complaints of injustice and a work environment characterized by fear and abuse? Is there suspicion of mismanagement, incompetent management, misconduct on the part of managers? Wolfe Associates can investigate the company's internal environment and implement a strategy to reinvigorate the corporate culture and ethical environment.