Mismanagement. Incompetent management. Quantification of losses.

Customers: International group acquired sugar mills in Brazil.

Customers. An international group acquired sugar mills in Brazil.

Problem. The Group's COO, born and created in Brazil, instead of hiring experienced market professionals to run the mills, appointed 02 friends with whom he had worked in the past. The nominees had no experience managing power plants. The mills suffered substantial losses.

Investigation. An audit Forensic determined the existence of maladministration and incompetence in the management of the mills directly attributed to the incompetence and lack of experience of the managers appointed by the Group's COO, losses of more than US$ 120 million. The audit identified strong evidence of favoring executives and suppliers.


Do you have a company in Brazil? The company is losing money. Is there suspicion of mismanagement, incompetent management, and misconduct on the part of top executives? Wolfe Associates can investigate mismanagement, incompetent management, and quantify losses caused by incompetence and wrongful conduct.

The names of those involved cannot be revealed for reasons of secrecy.

Key words: Mismanagement. Incompetent management. Quantification of losses. Favoring executives. Favoring suppliers. Payment of bribes. Receipt of bribes. Bribery.