Cargo theft. Leakage of information from within the company. Payment and receipt of tuition fees.

Cargo Theft

Customer.National merchandise distribution company.

Problem.The company suffered 03 armed robberies of trucks and cargo theft after leaving the company and before reaching the highway that was 250 meters away from the company. The company distributed low and high value merchandise. In the 03 incidents, the trucks were carrying high-value goods. It is suspected that an employee or outsourcer received bribes to leak information to the thieves about the shipments.

Cargo Theft

Investigation. The investigation revealed evidence of information leaking regarding the stolen shipments. OModus operandi (MO) of the 03 robberies were similar. All stolen trucks boarded between 08:00 and 08:15 in the morning. In the 03 cases, 04 robbers stole the truck and 03 robbers were left with the driver and his helpers in a van. Procedural and process flaws were identified, and that several employees had prior knowledge of the shipment details and the opportunity to notify the robbers in good time to prepare the robberies. Wolfe Associates made recommendations for process changes to correct vulnerabilities in the processes that allowed information to leak.

The names of those involved were not revealed for reasons of secrecy. Is your company losing money and being the victim of cargo theft? Wolfe Associates can investigate misconduct by employees and third parties. We can quantify the losses caused by incompetence and wrongful conduct, identify vulnerabilities in controls and processes, and recommend countermeasures for corrections.